Wednesday, January 24, 2007

No photos this time

Our program began last Saturday the 20th of January at the Boston University School of Medicine (BUSM). Every day we have to walk about 25 minutes from our hostel to get to class at 9 AM, and we're basically at the BUSM until at least 5 PM with an hour lunch break and a couple 15 minute breaks in between lectures and class. I think we'll have about 3 hours of class each day, and the rest of it is filled in with guest lectures/activities/field visits (we start those tomorrow).

The class is great, and I'll chime in with the rest of the kids and say we have so many talented and interested and intelligent people on the program. I am surprised, however, that it seems like a lot of kids are kind of shy, and perhaps it's somewhat a weakness of mine, but many of them don't fit the stereotype of the kind of kid who would attend a program about health and community (for better and not for worse, of course). There are only 7 guys on this program of 31 students, and frankly we tend to self-segregate.

i gotta go, sorry to be abrupt, see you all soon.

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