Friday, June 1, 2007

greek roundup

So: I'm not going to make you jealous quite yet of where I've been recently, i.e., no photos for now (I don't have my USB cable on me).
But, here's a quick roundup of what comes to mind:

-Vietnamese restaurant in Paris is cheap, and delicious. The Pho reminds me of the Vietnamese restaurant in Middletown Connecticut where I go to university.
-Met up with Sunny, one of the program participants while in Paris, if only for a few hours.
-Chinese men and women peddle "traditional Chinese massages" on the beaches of Santorini and Naxos, both Greek Cycladic islands in the Aegean Sea.
-I continue to slap myself for not trying the Chinese food in South Africa; we went to a Chinese restaurant in Santorini called "China H Kina." The owners were from Hong Kong, and the last page in the menu said "For Chinese People" in Chinese (and not in English or Greek), for no apparent reason. As far as I could tell, the Chinese menu consisted of simple things like noodles with fatty chicken/beef meat on the bone. Interesting.
-Naxos is beautiful. Really beautiful. Apparently they don't ride as many Vespas as I thought they did in Greece, but they are quite plentiful in Paris.
-Am reading "Red Dust" by Ma Jian, an "On the Road" (Kerouac) taking place in China in the early to mid-eighties. Highly recommended.
-Read "Disgrace" by J.M. Coetzee, a South African author. I got the book at the airport in Cape Town and the book has perpetuated my fascination with South Africa. I find myself talking about South Africa a lot.
-Greece is far more "developed" (I quote this because I've realized that development is highly subjective) than I remember it being when I came seven years ago.

Soon, I am off to Turkey. This journey ends when I return to Concord, Massachusetts on June 12th, but it also continues when I spend two months in New York City starting June 18th.

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