Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Beijing, Panjiayuan

There's a very good chance that taking pictures of soldiers is illegal in China. I snuck this one in near Tiananmen Square. Today I got yelled out for taking pictures of a construction site. Perhaps the Chinese really do know the power of the photograph, how easily political they can be.

On the Beijing subway.

They sell these little mangos that are like pebbles. They are so cute, they're worth every bite even if you spend 10 minutes peeling the skin for just a sliver.

A horse at the Panjiayuan Antiques market. I wanted to get a statue but ended up getting two pre-Great Leap Forward posters, one encouraing the Chinese to help out North Korea during the "War of American Aggression in Korea" (I'm not actually sure if that's the exact name, but it's something to that effect), and another one pre-1960 when Mao was still friendly with the Soviets.

More at Panjiayuan.

These gramaphones (is that what they are?) were in the exact same place as they were last summer when I came here with Annalisa. I remember because I took a picture of them then, too, except last summer there wasn't that pig. Happy Year of the Pig! That means my sister is 24!

I'm trying to figure out this picture but it was all cut up and scratched and really beautiful.


1 comment:

Xilly said...

Enjoy reading your blog and your photo as well.